/ Compton's Atlas of the Ancient World / Compton's Atlas of the Ancient World.iso / pc / media / common / start / index / ind_29.dat | < prev | next > |
Comma Seperated Value File | 1998-02-15 | 387b | 11 rows |
# | Neolithic Europe | Boussargues 1 0 16 |
1 | Neolithic Europe | Skara Brae 1 0 7 |
2 | Neolithic West Asia | Anatolia 11 0 5 |
3 | Neolithic West Asia | «atal Hˆy¸k 11 8 1 |
4 | Sumeria | Tell Madhhur 12 0 14 |
5 | Indus Civilization | Mohenjo Daro 19 8 1 |
6 | Early India | Inamgaon 20 13 3 |
7 | Prehistoric Japan | Jomon house 25 8 1 |
8 | Carthage | Kerkouane 37 0 13 |
9 | Moundbuilders | Pueblos 40 0 7 |
10 | Modern Humans | Housing 50 0 8 |